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Dalai Lama


Find yourself in tropical bliss. 


Samadhi is the highest form of enlightenment. A union of your body and mind with your true and highest nature. Bliss.


Samadhi Sri Lanka Yoga & Surf Retreat is designed to get you to back to your natural state of bliss. Combining finding your flow in the waves of the ocean with the union of movement and breath on your yoga mat, you will learn to transcend challenge and diffuculty and surrender to ease and grace.


So much more than just a yoga retreat, at Samadhi Sri Lanka you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in traditional Sri Lankan culture and customs. Adventuring outside the walls of the resort we'll explore local delicacies, visit markets, historic monuments, temples where we'll receive traditonal blessings and commune with the local wildlife.


Be wise. Find your flow.


The flow state is a term used in positive psychology. Flow describes being in a mental state of energised focus, full engagement and enjoyment of an activity.


In flow, your emotions are harnessed in a positive, energised and aligned manner to perform the task at hand.


Flow is experienced as a completely focussed motivation, a single minded immersion in your actions that leads to feelings of spontaneous joy. The same feelings experienced by ancient sages along their quests for enlighenment or Samadhi. 

Be wild. Contribute to conservation. 


My heritage lies in Sri Lanakan roots and making a postive contribution to this country is important to me.


While there are many ways to contribute to those in need, my particular interest lies in wildlife conservation.


Protecting natures wild places is essential to the ongoing health of our planet and society. Though scarred, there is still hope to rehabilitate some special places their wild state for the benefit of future generations.




Be well. Yoga and meditation. 


You may fool yourself some of the time, you may fool others occasionaly, but you can never fool your body.


Cultivate true peace and lasting harmony beween your body, mind and emotions through mastering the art of yoga. 


With safe and professional instruction, discover the eight-fold path of yoga over eight days and move into deeper connection with yourself, heal you relationships with other and and eradicate self sabotaging behaviours.



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